Posts Tagged ‘residential’


How to choose a residential cleaning company to clean your house!

June 19, 2010

The cleaning industry is a multi-billion dollar a year marketplace with over 500,000 cleaning business services freedom. The residential cleaning part of the cleaning industry continues to grow at a rapid pace, with more dual-working families as our population ages and all those who use the services, if they do not keep up with it. More than 10.5 million households use a cleaning service today and it is expected to continue growing well above 10% per year. Depending onthe level of service an individual family may be looking for, the barriers to enter the cleaning business are very low for those looking for a basic house cleaning. With that said home owners have endless choices when looking for a cleaning company.

The residential cleaning business is made up of independent house cleaners, local cleaning companies and franchised cleaning companies. The differences between them are endless from customer service, to the price, Consistency of the quality and reputation throughout the community. Here are some questions to start in selecting a company to clean your home:

How long have you been in business?
How many homes do you currently have clean?
How many employees do you have? This is to ensure a great question of reliability. If they clean houses, many with a limited staff, the quality will not be good, or you can business risks from the consistent cuts.
Who provides the care?Chemicals, cleaning tools and vacuum. If the company is to deliver the supplies as they prevent cross-contamination between the houses?
Are all your employees in full-time? Part-time workers or day laborers do not increase the risk because the business is less likely in most cases to the employees to know well.
Does your company have workers compensation for all of your employees? Very important if an employee was injured get in your home.
Does your company provide liabilityinsurance for theft, damages and other events? Highly important that all the employees a legal to work in the U.S. as if they’re illegal they will not be covered for theft inside the home.
Ask the company to describe their hiring process for employees. A company that can’t clearly explain this answer will likely hire anyone which can raise the risk as a homeowner. It is important to know the companies process for providing background checks for employees.
How do the Employees enter your home if you're not at home? If you are key to the provision of a cleaning company ask them to describe their key processes involving customers. You should to have a lock box and safety precautions.
If your house is alarmed Make the company a separate code to enter for cleaning your house is on. Many homeowners try to remember to turn off the alarm clock, the day of the cleaning company will come out, but chances are, one day you will forget you.Having a separate code your alarm company can tell you when they use the code.
What are the cancellation policies and how much notice is needed?
What you need to do with your household pets?
Ask how the company handles breakage inside the home? It is inevitable as accidents happen, though a policy should be in place
Ask how they clean and what type of schedule do they follow to assure proper cleaning
Ask ahead of time exactly what they do and what they don’t do. Knowing ahead of time sets clear expectations for you and the cleaning company.
Ask what they’ll do if you’re ever unhappy with a clean you receive?

Many other questions can be asked, though these are many of the important questions to ask when interviewing a cleaning company. Good Luck!


Protect your family with residential home security

February 3, 2010

Residential Home Security is really the safest and easiest way to protect your family and work.

Some people choose to do it your self method, but this usually costs more than a monitored security system. In each case, however, is the most important thing that you some kind of dorm security in place to have.

Scammers are clever and if you do it yourself method, you put yourself in danger when you can buy it in a store, then so can a criminal. Burglarmuch time on their hands and always come with possibility is to do it get your self home security methods.

There is really no way in a supervised dormitory security, so that the fraudsters usually passed only from your home university, if he sees this kind of dorm security.

Each alarm big business is some kind of sign in your yard, break through detours of offenders in your home. This character is strong enough in themselves that everything that you actuallyneed.

When a criminal breaks into your house were still somehow know that your dorm safety sign is fake, you can get into big trouble for false advertising.

This carries a heavy penalty in many states, and it would have been cheaper to 10 dorm security than those who purchase pay fines, too.

It is a dangerous time in this world and it is a very wise decision to protect your home with a kind of dorm security.

There are a lot ofdishonest people in the streets today looking for a simple meal, the majority of burglaries go unsolved unless there is a kind of dorm security in place.