Posts Tagged ‘Industry’


Industry Watch: Al Korelin and president of Orex Minerals, Mr. Gary Cope

May 15, 2010

Welcome to Industry Watch with Al Korelin. In this episode, Al talks with the President of Orex Minerals Inc. Mr. Cope has over 30 years experience in corporate finance and 12 years as a Senior Officer and a Director of various publicly-held companies. He has an extensive background in corporate strategy, as well as considerable experience with the financing of public-held companies. Previously he was President & CEO of Eaglecrest Explorations Ltd. and is currently the President of theOrex Minerals Inc. Orex Minerals Inc. is a silver and gold exploration company with projects in Durango, Mexico. The flagship is the Conetoe Mining Camp, Comonfort which is directly next to the village Conetoe de, 100 km north of Durango. Conetoe has 400 years of mining history, it is tested under. Orex has a strong management team with previous success in precious metals discovery. Industry Watch is a new web-series, the popular radio show host functions, Mr. AlThe Korelin Korelin Economics Report. Industry Watch is for people interested in detailed information and analysis from renowned business experts and entrepreneurs. The topics of discussion on the go, what you hear or read in traditional media and design is for people interested in the additional edge for investment. For more information please visit Orex For more information about Al Korelin and listen to his radio show online, visit http://www.kereport.comFor


Industry trend or event, Safe Work at Home

February 14, 2010

By securing an isolated office here at home for solo sessions with new clients, as you feel comfortable at work.

Scheid Jane's home office represents security. It is not only the alarm company sign on the lawn and stickers in the windows, the motion-sensor activated headlamps illuminate that property, or the lush tropical vegetation that impedes a passerby's view of her house and detached cottage, where her office is located.

It is also the two-key bolt on theOffice door (a key is required to either externally or internally) rotate, and the shadows that cover the windows when she works late her South Florida PR firm, Jane Scheid Communications. Beside her is a cell phone keypad. Next to her monitor is a can of Mace.

"I'm just a paranoid person," joked Scheid, who frequently works from her home porch – where they have a clear view of all approaching pedestrians or vans. "Nothing's probably never happened, because Ithink about these things. For example, alarm, intruder alarm suitable for the prevention and what is the best way to avoid a break-in is. "

They may not be as security conscious as Scheid, but your situation may not be very different. Both are often left to entrepreneurs and telecommuters who work from home offices with computer technology and packaged in other expensive hardware. The temptation for thieves is strong, while the safety concerns are often in arrears.

FortunatelySecuring a home office need not be difficult. It only needs to challenge would-be robber – and offer peace, says Gil Neuman, CEO of Kent Security Services, Inc., a security consulting and services company based in North Miami. Neumann points out that Scheid's home office various layers of protective features – such as creating an alarm system, window treatments, and outdoor lighting – a blanket of protection. "Common sense is the biggest safety feature," he says. "If peopleThings to do for fear of not working your common sense. "

Neuman recommends the construction of your security plan on the top of existing services. If your house has no alarm system, a basic system for multiple doors and windows can be for less than $ 100, plus about $ 25 per month for monitoring by a provider such as ADT, Brinks, Ameritech or be acquired. (Basic systems, but no additional security features such as additional keyboards for frequently used entrances, contacts forall doors and windows, and exercise, smoking, and glass breakage detectors.)

If your office, you can not see who install on your doorstep, a peephole in the door, a wide-angle (-spy-hole, so you can see people standing) to the side. For a high-tech touch-view camera and a video intercom system that is wired to accommodate visitors can view on your PC screen – and for around $ 800, Neuman says, can even Digital Video "snapshots" of the last 60 Persons who rang the bell.

"The more informationYou can edit before the people in the safer and better to think about it, "Neuman urges people to examine these updates during the new home construction – to add where the cost of a complete alarm system on average about $ 1 per square meter . I feel that I am in control of my home is my castle. "

Similar common sense is outside of your home. When meeting a new customer or supplier for the first time, Scheid plans to sitting in a restaurant or any otherpublic place. Held in fact, only the two largest customers have visited her office at home, she says: "It is safer, and I personally, only that the separation – in the privacy of the people do not see what I have on my property, as under. You might accidentally say something wrong to the person. "